Experiencing Korea Like a Local: Essential Tips, Apps, and Hacks for College Students

It’s safe to say that visiting Asia is probably at the top of everyone’s list and if you’re a college student itching to experience the wonders of South Korea, you’re in for a life changing experience! But before you embark on your exciting adventure such as a treasure hunt in Seoul, a bit of digital preparation is needed to make your trip smoother and more enriching.

So buckle up and get ready to experience South Korea like a local would.

Download Essential Travel Apps Before Leaving

Translating Apps: While many Koreans in the city speak English, it’s always helpful to have a translator app. Try Papago for or the classic Google Translate. Both can instantly translate signs, menus, and other text. And while they are not 100% accurate it can get you out of a pickle if you need to understand something and there’s no one around to help. Plus as technology advances and AI becomes embedded in more tools, translations from one language to another are becoming better!  

KakaoTalk: Known as the primary messaging app in Korea, this one is a must if you make local friends or need to communicate with your host or local businesses. Think of it as the WhatsApp of Korea.

KakaoMap: While you might be used to using Google maps in the states, using it while in Korea is probably not the best choice. The KakaoMap is far superior to Google Maps and offers real-time navigation, transportation schedules, and even indoor maps of certain locations! Looks like it’s true when they say that Korea lives in the future. Don’t worry, they offer an English version.

Subway Korea: More likely than not you’ll need to navigate Seoul’s extensive subway system and will benefit from downloading Subway Korea to get around town with ease. Although getting lost in a new city is normal, this app provides real-time train schedules and a route planner to keep you on track as best as possible. 

Currency and Payments

Curious onlookers exploring a traditional Korean handicraft shop at night, illuminated by warm, inviting lights.

Now let’s talk about money. Traveling to Korea means you’ll need to convert some of your money into Korean won, so it’s always a good idea to check if your own bank’s app provides currency conversion features, as this can often be the most direct and cost-effective way to manage your money while abroad.

If your bank does not provide such features, look into downloading XE Currency Converter & Money Transfers or Currency Converter Plus Live which are useful and trusted institutions for quick conversions and even help to ensure you’re not overspending.

Now that your money has been converted, it’s time to download the popular local payment apps such as Naver Pay or KakaoPay. And since you’re way ahead of the curve, you’ll be able to take advantage of some local vendors offering discounts or deals if you use these payment services. Look at you!

Learn Basic Korean

It’s always a good idea to learn a new language, so why not do it while being fully immersed in the culture. We recommend checking out Duolingo or Memrise. These apps are great for learning the basics of Korean before or during your trip. Remember, a little language prep goes a long way in making connections and navigating everyday interactions. 

Local Activities

Hand holding a steaming bowl of traditional Korean udon, highlighting the warm, street food culture in Korea.

Let’s talk about experiences and how to find them! Because there’s no way you’re staying indoors while visiting this lively city. 

MangoPlate: Think of this as Korea’s Yelp. Use it to discover local restaurants and read reviews of establishments you’re interested in visiting. You might need some help with translations but you already knew that. 

Klook: Best known for booking attractions, experiences, and even transport; it’s a must-have app for travelers. Plus if you’re lucky you might be able to snag discounted tickets! So keep those eyes peeled.

Meetup: This one is for our extroverts looking to meet both locals and fellow travelers. With this app you can find local events or meetups that align with your interests. Even if you prefer keeping to yourself, why not get out of your comfort zone and connect with others. Your life can change by one connection, how exciting!

Staying Connected

Student using smartphone on a train with the Seoul skyline in the background, showcasing everyday life in Korea.

Now because we are sure you’ll be relying on your phone a lot during your travels, maybe consider obtaining a Korean SIM card.. Services like KT Olleh or SK Telecom have apps that allow you to purchase SIM cards for data and calling. Sounds like this one should be moved to the top of your to-do list.

And of course, once there, look into WiFi Korea. An app that locates nearby WiFi spots, which can be invaluable when in a pinch.

If you made it this far, we hope you’re more than convinced that traveling to Korea as a college student will be both exhilarating and educational. Given the fusion of the ancient and modern, South Korea offers a plethora of experiences that are bound to transform your world view. And with these digital tools in your pocket, you’re now well-equipped to make the most of your Korean adventure. Don’t stress any further and take a look at our Flights to Seoul with Discounted Student Fares to find the best prices to make this trip a reality.

Safe travels!

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