Beyond the Tourist Trail and Into a Treasure Hunt: Ireland’s Top 5 Undiscovered Landmarks for Adventurous Students

By: Miriam Bribiesca

Welcome back to our favorite series! As we embark on another chapter of our treasure hunt, this time we set our sights on Ireland. Known for co-authoring the color green A.K.A St. Patrick’s Day and seen in some of your favorite films with its lush landscapes and ancient ruins, Ireland is a treasure full of history and breathtaking views. And because we believe changing the world begins with a life altering trip, we’ve gone ahead and put together a guide for you with our friends from Tourism Ireland to help you discover some of Ireland’s hidden gems where every stone tells a story and your imagination can run wild.  

These locations not only offer a unique glimpse into Ireland’s history but could potentially be the catalyst to help you transcend into a new and better chapter of life. Ready?! Here are five treasures waiting to be discovered.

Breathtaking Irish coastline, a hidden gem for student explorers.

The Loop Head Peninsula

Starting off strong and veering you far from the crowded Cliffs of Moher, the Loop Head Peninsula is the perfect spot for those travelers seeking solitude, natural beauty, and a deep dive into Ireland’s maritime history. It offers dramatic cliff views, has charming lighthouses, and because of the area’s mixture of climates and the relatively warm waters has an abundance of wildlife, including whales, dolphins, and seabirds!

Cue the binoculars and a sense of wonder because you’re bound to see something magical while on your visit. And aside from the views, we also recommend making a stop to get some seafood as it is a staple of local cuisine. Enjoy fresh, locally caught fish and shellfish in the area’s restaurants and pubs so in the future you can say you’ve had a TRUE taste of Ireland.

Treasure Hunt Tip: After renting a bike to take in a large breath of the scenery, climb to the top of the Loop Head Lighthouse for panoramic views, and of course, keep an eye out for dolphins frolicking in the waters below.

Dunquin Pier

Dunquin Pier, also known as Dún Chaoin is a stunningly picturesque and truly surreal spot on the Dingle Peninsula. The pier itself is nestled in a small cove, protected by steep cliffs on either side, creating a natural harbor that has been used by local fishermen for centuries. This narrow, winding path leads down to a small pier with incredible views of the Blasket Islands. 

And talking about the Blasket Islands, if after your hike you are up for it, visitors can take boat trips to the island during the summer months giving you another opportunity to take in the incredibly beautiful landscapes from multiple viewpoints!

It’s a place of breathtaking beauty and often overlooked in favor of more accessible spots. But not for you because you are prepared and a natural born explorer! 

Treasure Hunt Tip: Do your best to time your visit during sunset to capture the moment when the sky and sea merge in a spectacle of colors.

Majestic ruins in Ireland, awaiting discovery by student adventurers.

St. Mullins

Nestled along the River Barrow, St. Mullin’s is a serene and spiritual site with a rich history dating back to the 7th century. Founded by Saint Moling, this village features ruins that tell stories of Ireland’s early Christian period. In fact, Saint Moling established a monastic settlement that became a center of learning and spirituality. Even today you can see the remains of this early Christian settlement through high crosses and several church ruins.

Aside from its scenic beauty that we know you’ll encounter, St. Mullin’s is famous for its annual ‘Pattern Day’ or Patron Day, which takes place on July 17th. This tradition honors the feast day of Saint Moling. Pilgrims and visitors come to St. Mullins to participate in a series of religious ceremonies and to visit the holy well said to possess healing properties, particularly for eye ailments. So if this sounds like something you would like to experience, mark those dates in your calendar pronto. 

Treasure Hunt Tip: Visit the high cross and the well of St. Moling (duh!), who knows, maybe aside from guaranteed tranquility you’ll find healing as well.

The Slieve League Cliffs

While the Cliffs of Moher get all the fame, the Slieve League Cliffs in Donegal are among the highest and most impressive sea cliffs in Europe. The view from nearly 2,000 feet above the Atlantic is truly breathtaking. Okay, we KNOW we’ve said “breathtaking” too many times by now, but we promise we are not using it in vain. 

Now, the Slieve League Cliffs offer a variety of walking and hiking trails, ranging from easy walks to more challenging hikes. One of the most popular routes is the “Pilgrim’s Path,” which is a relatively easy walk to a viewing point overlooking the cliffs. AND for more experienced hikers we recommend “One Man’s Pass,” a narrow ridge that offers a thrilling walk with views for days of the ocean and beyond. Please note however, that it is ESSENTIAL to wear appropriate footwear and to be mindful of weather conditions, as the paths can become slippery when wet.

Treasure Hunt Tip: For the adventurous lot, there’s what we hear to be a hidden viewpoint known as “Eagle’s Nest.” This lesser-known spot offers a unique perspective of the cliffs

Adventurous students uncovering Ireland's hidden treasures.

The Burren Perfumery

Our last treasure hunt location is actually one of our favorites and what we like to call a “hidden gem.” Tucked away in the landscapes of Ireland, this small, family-run perfumery creates fragrances inspired by the surrounding countryside since 1972. In fact, this perfumery is Ireland’s oldest working perfumery and stands out not only for its exceptional products but also for its deep commitment to sustainability.

And because this area blooms with a variety of plants and flowers, many of which are rare and only grow in this unique environment, means that each bottle captures the essence of Burren’s unique nature. Clearly, this is a delightful sensory experience not worth missing! 

Treasure Hunt Tip: Visit the herb garden and tea room, and take part in one of the workshops to learn about the art of perfume making.

If you’ve always wanted to take a trip with the most stunning views and probably some of the most tranquil locations ever, Ireland is for you! And now that we’ve ScholarTrip-certified this location, it’s time to remind you of our unbeatable prices to make this travel dream a reality. Plus, if you still have more questions on alternate locations to visit, we recommend circling back to our friends at Tourism Ireland as they are the experts to guide you on this adventure.

Until next time, treasure hunter!

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