Planning a trip with separate air travel bookings

Splitting your itinerary into several parts and buying separate tickets can sometimes dramatically cut your travel expenses. But there are important factors to consider beforehand!

Visa Requirements: International air travel with separate bookings will most likely trigger additional visa requirements for you depending on the issuing country of your passport. You may need to secure transit or even entry visas for countries that you will be passing through. It is very important to thoroughly research all applicable government regulations for all the stops in your itinerary before booking a trip with separate air reservations.

Please remember: Passengers are fully and exclusively responsible for obtaining the travel documentation necessary for their trip.

Checked Baggage: Traveling with separate bookings also entails collecting your baggage and then checking it in again at airports with an unprotected connection. (See What is a self-transfer?) Doing so will have you leave the transit zone, which in turn might subject you to transit or even entry visa requirements of the country you are stopping in (as mentioned above).

Schedule Changes: As one longer itinerary is divided into several shorter ones, each with its own booking, it is important to remember that schedule changes that may happen in one of those reservations may affect the whole trip.

Travelling with separate tickets is a highly situational solution. Even when theoretically possible, it is not always beneficial when weighed against the additional risks and preparation involved. Your Travel Expert will let you know if such an arrangement is worth exploring in your case.

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